Experienced Professionals Checklist

Please view this from the perspective of providing us with value-added information. This information is very important and should give us a deep insight of your experience (Other than what is already available in your own resume document). Please give a lot of thought to questions  regarding career options, challenges faced and contributions.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Extent of role/Span of responsibility in each organisation - e.g.: for a Sales & Marketing person – geographies managed, budget size, targets, team size and any other relevant information.

Challenges faced with contributions/achievements - Explain the setting/background of the challenge with qualitative & quantitative achievements.

Your strongest areas of skill/expertise/competency.

Tell us about your core strengths that make you a strong candidate for the career options sought - Back it up with actual work related situational examples

Career Options with the value you bring to the new organisation.

Career Path - Indicate positions held with designations and responsibility changes as you grew the career ladder (if applicable)

Any other relevant information